The AutoPulse Resuscitation System is a simple battery operated device that squeezes the patient’s entire chest circumference, enabling improved blood flow to the heart and brain. Every second counts during a SCA. The AutoPulse Resuscitation System allows EMS professionals the ability to transport and deliver life-saving therapy simultaneously, with proven improvement in SCA outcomes.
AutoPulse Resuscitation System
In the EMS field, The Zoll Medical AutoPulse Resuscitation System is commonly referred to as “High Quality Resuscitation on the Move”. A Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) event is always surrounded by chaos, rapid responses, and the need to stabilize the patient quickly while simultaneously delivering high quality CPR (chest compressions). The revolutionary AutoPulse Resuscitation System is in a class of its own, designed for transporting the patient down stairwells, around corners and every other scenario. It has been shown to reduce interruptions in compressions by more than 85%.