Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
AED.US provides comprehensive FAQs covering various aspects of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). These FAQs address common queries about Sudden Cardiac Arrest, the functionality and ease of use of AEDs, maintenance requirements, and training for AED/CPR. They also delve into legal considerations and purchasing options, ensuring users have a thorough understanding of AEDs. This resource is beneficial for both new and experienced users, offering valuable insights into AED usage and management.
SCA occurs when the heart loses its electrical pulse needed to contract and circulate blood to the body and brain; a condition called ventricular fibrillation or v-fib. Death is likely within 10 minutes for someone experiencing v-fib if an AED is not available. (You will find a specific explanation of SCA in the AED.us Buyer's Guide.)
No. They are often mistakenly interchanged as the same condition, but SCA and heart attack are two very distinct events. Essentially, a heart attack is a plumbing issue, while sudden cardiac arrest is an electrical issue. A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to the heart is interrupted. A heart attack may cause chest pain and other symptoms. SCA may strike without any symptoms at all. Without treatment, an SCA victim’s chances of recovery are reduced by the minute, as the brain and other organs are starved of oxygen through blood flow.
An AED is a device that delivers a life-saving shock to a heart that is in distress. The AED is a medical device that analyzes the heart’s rhythm, then advises whether or not a shock is necessary. Fully automatic AEDs will deliver the shock without requiring the user to push the button, while semi-automatic AEDs require the user to push the shock button. AEDs from ZOLL, Cardiac Science, Stryker/Physio-Control, Defibtech, Heartsine and Philips use audible and visual notifications to guide the user through a rescue. Newer AEDs can also coach a rescuer through the administration of CPR.
An AED is designed to be simple and used by people with little or no training. Upon turning on the AED, it will begin coaching the user through the event using audible prompts and visual cues, such as lights on physical diagrams, or even a video screen on some AEDs like the Defibtech View and the ZOLL AED 3.
In the United States alone, nearly 1600 lives PER DAY are lost due to no AED being readily available. Virtually anyone with a heart (most of the population) could suffer from SCA (sudden cardiac arrest). Risk is not just limited to the elderly or obese. Young, fit people with no symptoms suffer at a lower rate, but are susceptible all the same.
No, but an AED increases the rate of SCA survival from around 5% to over 50%. An AED will not treat a non-shockable heart rhythm. However, defibrillation is the only treatment for sudden cardiac arrest. Early treatment is key. After ten minutes without defibrillation or CPR, the victim’s chances for survival diminish significantly.
No, all AEDs are powered by a battery and do not require being near an outlet.
CPR gives one a fighting chance of surviving cardiac arrest while an AED is being retrieved and before an ambulance arrives. CPR mimics the heart’s pumping of oxygenated blood to the body and brain and is a critical link in the chain of survival. The American Heart Association amends CPR guidelines every few years, but the focus on CPR during an SCA rescue continues to increase. For example, there are many that advocate the use of hand-only CPR, which instructs only chest compressions without the two breaths.
AED.us offers both new and used devices from all manufacturers. We strongly urge you to consider devices with enhanced capabilities, like CPR feedback, which optimize the chances of survival. Not all customers have the same needs. Some may need a small, light weight AED, while others may need something more rugged. Regardless of your needs, AED.us have you covered. We all work within budget guidelines, which is why AED.US offers device rental and our Encore Series of refurbished AEDs with a 4-year warranty. The AED.US Buyer's Guide provides an overview of all our devices and your buying, renting, and leasing options.
Short answer: It does. Every business should have an AED within a one-minute brisk walk or run of any spot in their building or parking lot. SCA is the number one killer in the U.S. workplace. It can be attributed to more workplace deaths than ALL other causes combined.
All AEDs run periodic self-tests. The frequency of these tests varies, but it is at least weekly. Some AEDs, like the Cardiac Science G3 and G5, test both the level of battery life, and whether the pads are expired or if the gel is ready. Other AEDs may only test the battery life. In addition to checking these accessories, the AED also runs through its designated internal tests. If any of these tests are not passed, the AED will notify you by beeping/chirping frequently. By turning the AED on, it will produce an audible explanation of what requires attention. Also, turning the AED on at any time will force a self-test. For any questions, do not delay in reaching out to us by phone or at support@aed.us.
Yes. An AED is designed to introduce a lower dose shock when it is utilized on a child or infant. Some AEDs have separate pediatric pads, while others may adjust using a key (like the Philips FRx). Most manufacturer guidelines set the size cutoff at 65 pounds for pediatric defibrillation. Some newer AEDs, like the Stryker/Physio-Control CR2 and the ZOLL AED 3, simply have a toggle switch, which lowers the joule output to be appropriate for a child/infant. This eliminates the need to purchase or track expiration dates for a separate pediatric electrode. Read our blog to learn more about whether you can use use an AED on an infant.
The AED battery and electrode pads are items that eventually will need replacing. Batteries can last 60 months or more and electrode pads 18-60 months depending on the model. However, all devices are different and you should confirm expiration dates on all disposables. All devices distributed by AED.US have audible "chirps" that call attention to the device when it needs to be serviced, and all AEDs have visual indicators that show you the status of the AED. Currently, there is no regular maintenance or calibration required.
Each device from AED.US is up to date with the latest software for that device. Every five years, the American Heart Association issues their evaluation and possible changes to CPR guidelines. The next report from the AHA will be in 2020. All future software updates will be available through MyAED.US FREE of charge.
Automated External Defibrillators do not require a professional operator. The AED diagnoses the heart rhythm and determines if a shock is needed. Manual defibrillators are what you would find in an ambulance or hospital where trained paramedics, physicians or other medical professionals can analyze and diagnose. Most manual defibrillators have an AED function on them, in addition to several other features, like pacing, SpO2, NiBP, EtCO2, CO and 12-lead.
In most cases, no. But if you or a loved one have a condition which puts you at a higher risk of cardiac arrest, you should discuss this with your healthcare insurance provider. In such cases, many insurance policies will indeed cover the cost for an AED where prescribed by a physician.AED.us donates over 75 AEDs each year to worthy recipients that may not be able to afford them otherwise.
Your AED should be clearly visible and quickly accessible. A cabinet or bracket is often the best way to facilitate this. AED.us carries a full line of original manufacturer AED cabinets and wall brackets, as well as our own Private Label AED cabinets. Just ask us for direction and we will find the best solution for your particular situation.
You can install cabinets with locks if you feel locking your AED cabinet is needed to prevent theft. Your AED Program response protocol must be to ALWAYS have someone with a key within a one-minute brisk walk or run to the AED cabinet. We encourage you to consider all scenarios when making this decision. Is your First Aid Kit or your fire extinguisher under lock and key? Call our experts if you are still struggling with this decision, but having an AED that is NOT accessible when needed is worse than having no AED at all.
Let us know right away! We want to hear your story. You can call or email, but you can also go to MyAED.US and click the “events and reports” tab to complete a Deployment Case Log. It is very important to track incidents and record the event data. Any AED.us customers receive FREE loaner AEDs whenever they need to download an event.
WE ARE!!! Having a combined experience of over 100 years selling AEDs, with over 100,000 sold worldwide, AED.us’ knowledgeable staff are ready to answer any questions you may have. We are trained, experienced, and passionate about AEDs!!! We also recommend speaking to your local Fire, EMS and Law Enforcement. They have done their homework and use these devices daily. We are AED.us...Our Mission, Our Passion, Our Duty is to Forge Stronger Links in the Chain of Survival.
The main difference is the ZOLL AED Pro has 3- lead and manual override option. The AED Pro was designed with the professionals in mind. The AED Plus was made more for Public Access.
It is recommended to change the batteries every 5 years on the ZOLL AED Plus and every 4 years on the Pro. Unless the device has been used or any other contributing factors (like the cold question above!)
AED365 helps organizations build a culture of readiness! AEDS are the lynchpin, and individual & organizational readiness, supported by technology, form the foundation of Program Management success.
Program Management is an all-in-one solution to track, maintain and ensure readiness for all your AED and related equipment, whether you manage one AED or hundreds of AEDs. It includes tracking of equipment for inspections as well as expiration dates, tracking of various personnel training certifications, and most importantly, Medical Direction, which is required in many states. Even if not required, this service is extremely valuable and provides peace of mind for any AED owner.
Medical Direction includes a licensed medical doctor that oversees the AED Program to ensure compliance with requirements specific to state, local and federal laws. It can involve the filing of certain paperwork as required, notifying your local county that the organization is equipped with an AED or multiple AEDs. In the event you use your AED, assistance is provided to download all relevant data from rescue, and a review and report is provided in compliance with HIPPA requirements. Medical Direction will also take care of any additional state/local filing requirements that may apply.
After purchasing an AED, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations which typically recommend inspecting the AED monthly, if not more frequently. This inspection does not require any high level of technical competence and can be completed by a person or employee without formal training. It involves checking the readiness indicator found on most AEDs and the expiration dates on the consumable products (pads and batteries). When checking the expiration dates it is important to replace the parts prior to the expiration dates to ensure the AED is ready to perform in the event it is needed. Having program management will help automate these processes to ensure the AED is ready when needed.
When you have decided what you want, you can add the product to the electronic shopping cart and proceed to checkout. If you have questions, you can reach out to our experts at 888-652-1882, or send us a brief email and we will respond as soon as possible.
AED.us accepts all major credit cards, checks, wire transfers and purchase orders (from qualified buyers). We also have rental and lease-to-own options.
On the Encore Series AEDs, yes. Both the battery and electrodes will be installed and ready to use. On new AEDs, AED.us ships devices as they come from the manufacturer. You will need to install the battery and pads once your package arrives. Once the battery is inserted the AED will do some self-diagnostic tests and within a few seconds, you and your AED are prepared to save a life! If you would like the battery and pads to be installed on your new AED, please let us know and we will be happy to oblige.
If anything happens during the 4-Year warranty, AED.us will pay to ship the unit back.
No, they are AED manufacturers; we are a distributor, but we do sell their products.
If anything happens during the extra year of warranty, AED.us will pay to ship the unit back.
Once. Pads must be replaced after each use. It is also recommended to have an extra set of pads in case you have multiple events or pads are damaged during the rescue process.
The pads package will have an expiration date clearly visible. If you are utilizing MyAED program software, your AED electrodes and battery are being tracked and you will be notified when time to replace. This is an important part of managing your AED. Ultimately, you are responsible for ensuring your AED is ready to use. Choosing a management program that includes medical direction can ensure you are compliant.
AED pads have a water-based gel which is critical in maintaining tight adherence to the patient’s chest. This gel will lose moisture over time and needs to be replaced. Electrode pads have a shelf life of 18 to 60 months, depending on manufacturer and model.
AED.us recommends having two sets of pads/electrodes in case the pads are damaged or you have more than one event before you can reorder. This is not required, but is recommended. Some new AEDs, like the ZOLL AED Plus (with Stat Padz II) and The Cardiac Science G3 and G5 (not included with iCPR), come with two sets of pads/electrodes when purchased new.
Yes (and no). Unless you have a Stryker/Physio-Control LIFEPAK CR2, ZOLL AED 3 or a Philips Heartstart FRx/FR3 WITH a pediatric key, you will need a separate set of pads.
I like the pads that provide CPR help. In the event of Sudden Cardiac Arrest, CPR is needed 100% of the time and defibrillation is needed 50% of the time. You know for a fact you’ll be doing CPR on the person. Being provided feedback/help to ensure you’re giving high quality CPR is very important.
The CPR-D Padz are a one piece pad that has a “puck” that provides real-time CPR help. It will tell you commands such as good compressions or push harder. These have a 5-year expiration.
The Stat-Padz II is a two-piece electrode pad that does not provide real CPR help. These have a 2-year expiration. These are less expensive than the CPR-D Padz and are a great option for EMS/Fire or anyone who is highly trained in CPR and will use the AED on a more frequent basis.
The CPR-D Padz measure CPR Depth. The device will tell you to push harder if you’re not doing CPR correctly.
The CPR-D Padz have a 5-year expiration and the stat-padz have a 2-year expiration.
I like the pads that provide CPR help. In the event of Sudden Cardiac Arrest, CPR is needed 100% of the time and defibrillation is needed 50% of the time. You know for a fact you’ll be doing CPR on the person. Being provided feedback/help to ensure you’re giving high quality CPR is very important.
All AEDs include a battery status check in their self-test. Generally, a battery will begin to notify you when the capacity declines to 20%, which is still enough for several shocks.
Absolutely. The only time you should remove the battery is when you are replacing it. Without the battery installed, scheduled self-tests cannot be completed and the unit will not monitor the battery’s level.
No. The date on an AED battery is the manufacturer’s recommended installation date. The battery should be placed in the AED by that date. After the battery is installed it will have up to five years of use. Again, each AED varies, so consult with your user guide to be certain. The battery will also be affected by other factors, like temperature and usage.
No. Batteries should be taken to a community recycling center or AED.US can properly dispose of the batteries at no charge.
Cold weather can significantly affect the performance of an AED. Cold batteries discharge faster than warmer batteries. This is another reason why having myAED to remind you to do the monthly AED checks is so important. Keeping extra batteries in reserve is also a good idea.
No. However, it is encouraged. Healthcare professionals require CPR and AED training once every two years. While you can get CPR-only training, most providers recommend adding AED training.AEDs were developed and have evolved to be used by professionals and laypeople alike. Efforts to promote awareness have proven successful in making AEDs recognizable wherever they are placed.
AED.us can coordinate training classes, which are presented locally by certified instructors. There are countless small businesses that offer training, as well as large organizations like the American Heart Association and the Red Cross.
While no one has been sued for using an AED, there are requirements for certain aspects of AED programs. All states have a Good Samaritan statute designed to encourage bystanders to act quickly and not hesitate. However, states may differ in their laws’ details. AED.US' AED Legislation page has a resource for you to cross reference your state's Good Samaritan statute and determine other AED Guidelines specific for your state.
Most AEDs require a prescription. Only one AED has been approved for sale without a prescription: the Philips Onsite. The Food and Drug Administration regulates AEDs as Class III medical devices, so a prescription is required. When you acquire an AED through AED.US, a prescription is issued which meets the medical authorization required by the FDA.
Addressing Questions
Thank you for visiting our FAQ page. We trust that these frequently asked questions have provided valuable insights into Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), CPR, and other related areas. As the field evolves and new information arises, we are dedicated to continually updating this section to ensure it remains a current and helpful resource. Remember, knowledge is a powerful tool in emergency situations. We encourage you to keep this page bookmarked for easy reference and revisit it for any clarifications you may need. Together, let's stay well-informed and ready to save lives.