AED Info
National EMS Week- EMS for Children Day
Over 30 Million Children visit Emergency Rooms and Urgent Care Facilities each year from injuries, illnesses and disasters. The U.S. Congress start...
National EMS Week- Safety Tuesday
EMS week celebrates both the EMS profession and professionals for the vital role they play in the healthcare continuum. Today we’re going to highli...
Mobilize Rescue Systems®
The Mobilize Rescue System provides the knowledge and equipment bystanders need to respond during medical emergencies. It is the only interactive t...
AEDs with Real CPR Help®
Not every patient will need a defibrillating shock, but every patient will need CPR. Guidelines have evolved over the years, shifting focus from d...
National Public Health Week
In the midst of the most challenging public health crisis of our lifetimes, it's more important than ever to celebrate National Public Health Week....
Updates from Coro Medical, Q1 2020
It has been an exciting start of the year for Coro Medical! We would like to thank our customers and partners for making 2020 great so far. As we ...
2020 AED Donations
We have donated more than 180 AEDs across the United States as part of our Coro Cares program. Coro Cares is an initiative focused on educating and...
Why Have an AED if it is Not Properly Maintained?
On a routine inspection we were completing in Tennessee last month, our technician was testing and inventorying two Philips AEDs. What we found was...
Featured AED of the Month: ZOLL AED Plus
This month, our featured AED of the month is the ZOLL AED Plus. The ZOLL AED Plus is a trailblazer when it comes to the AED medical device indu...
10 Ways to Fit More Fitness Into Your Day
Being physically active is a major step toward good heart health. It’s one of the most effective tools for strengthening the heart muscle, keeping ...
Our Favorite Heart-Healthy Meals
In celebration of American Heart Month, we have pulled together a few of our favorite heart-healthy meal options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
19 Surprising Facts About the Heart
In honor of American Heart Month, check out these 19 surprising facts about the heart!
Eating dark chocolate every day reduces the risk of heart d...