Where are you from? I’m a Southern bird. I was born in Greenville, SC, grew up in Rutherfordton, NC (small town USA) lived in Tennessee for several years before landing back in Greenville.
What drew you to work at Coro Medical? I worked with Matt and Tommy at DXE Medical and am very passionate about AEDs. When I had the opportunity to work with them again, I jumped at it. Honestly, it felt like coming home. Working with people who like and trust, while doing something you’re passionate about… it’s a special thing!
What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most? I love the education side of things. I enjoy helping customers who have questions, I love teaching CPR/AED and educating people on SCA and AEDs.
What would you do for a career if you weren’t doing this? Hmm. That’s a good question. Growing up I wanted to be a teacher, then I went through a news anchor phase. In a dream world, I would be an FBI agent or a Neonatologist.
At Coro, we know that pets are like family. That’s why we are a dog friendly office! Tell us about your pets. How much time do you have? Dora is our child in fact, we call her our “doghter.” She is a rescue (half Great Pyrenees, mixed with herding/mountain dog and Staffordshire terrier) and is 90 lbs of precious. Her foster parents named her Dora b/c she likes to explore (aka nosey!) and the name fits her perfectly. She acts like a human. She loves to sleep with her head on a pillow, lives for walks and will let you do just about anything to her (including brushing her teeth and giving her a million kisses a day.) My family gives me a hard time about how “spoiled” she is…but she spoils us too.
Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why? My favorite place on earth is Sanibel Island, FL. I shell all day, take bike rides around the island and am able to just chill. On a different scale, my favorite places have been out West to different National Parks (Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zion) and particularly Glacier in Montana. I always tell people; you just breathe different in places like that. I have never in my life been surrounded by so much beauty.
What is the one thing you cannot resist? Cadbury eggs and gummy bears. I typically try and limit sugar as much as possible but those two are definitely “worth it” to me!
Who would play you in a movie of your life? Jennifer Aniston if she had a southern accent.
What is your biggest fear? Something bad happening to someone I love. I am very close with my family.
What is your favorite holiday and why? Thanksgiving. I love to cook, and I love when my family is all under one roof.
What is your go-to song on your play list? I love music…it’s one thing that can always put you in a good mood or take you to a special place in time. I have the useless talent of being able to remember every lyric to every song I’ve ever heard. My everyday go-to is anything by Tim McGraw. I’ve been loyal (obsessed) since the 6
th grade! If I had to pick just one song by him it would be, “Where the Green Grass Grows”
Tell us something that might surprise us about you. My sense of humor. Growing up a southern lady, we’re taught manners and poise. I lead with that…but when you really get to know me and I let my guard down, it would surprise you.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? How to “fix” anything. My dad is the type that can fix anything. We never hired anyone for house projects when I was growing up. Dad remodeled the basement, fixed plumbing issues, installed lights, etc. He now helps with things around my house. You don’t realize how valuable that truly is until you become an adult. I’m pretty good at fixing things myself, I’m not afraid to take things apart, like the washing machine or bathroom sink (two true events) but I’d love to learn even more.
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Honestly, first thing I would do is pray about it. I think winning the lottery would be a blessing but also a huge responsibility. I would pay off any debt our families have and then figure out the best way to help people. I wouldn’t change much about my life, except maybe buy land for a farmhouse and lots of room for gardening.
What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity? These are not typical answers for someone in their (early) 30s but it’s true... Indoors: I love to cook, and I love canning. Outdoors: I love gardening and yard work.
Are you pro-sports or pro-nap? 100% pro sports! (although we can all agree that golf on tv is one of the best sounds to nap to!) I grew up in a sports household. My brother played sports, I played tennis growing up and my husband played professional baseball for 9 years. I was born and raised a Clemson fan and I graduated from the University of Tennessee so in the fall, all you will see me wear is the color orange. I can talk football all day long! My brother, parents, and I have a “Clemson Tigers” group text that we keep going all year…I’m telling you; the love runs deep! :)

Written by
Blaire Czarniecki
Customer Service Director
Fact checked by Phillip Woods, BA, NREMT-P, FP-C
Blaire attended the University of Tennessee where she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology- Child and Family Studies. She has been in the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) industry for over eight years and is the Director of Customer Service for Coro Medical. Blaire is also an American Red Cross-certified CPR/AED/First Aid Instructor, highly trained by each manufacturer on their specific AEDs, and knowledgeable regarding ALL State AED regulations and legislation.
“I know that every day I come to work, I am playing a part in saving someone’s life. I am passionate about these devices and am always looking for new and innovative ways to spread awareness and knowledge about Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). I look forward to the day when everywhere I go, I will see an AED—when SCA will no longer take any lives.”
Last updated September 4, 2019