Glossary of Terms
The "Glossary of Terms" page on AED.US provides a comprehensive list of definitions and explanations related to sudden cardiac arrest, Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), CPR, AED program management, and AED/CPR/First Aid training. It's an educational resource for healthcare professionals, concerned citizens, or anyone seeking to enrich their knowledge in these areas. The glossary covers a wide range of terms, making it a valuable reference tool for understanding critical concepts in emergency response and AED use.
Ask Our ExpertsSudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA): A sudden, unexpected loss of heart function resulting in the cessation of effective blood circulation.
Ventricular Fibrillation (VF): A chaotic, rapid heartbeat which can lead to SCA.
Arrhythmia: Irregular heartbeat, which can be too slow, too fast, or erratic.
Asystole: The absence of any electrical activity in the heart, often referred to as a "flat line."
Chain of Survival: Critical actions that improve the chance of survival from cardiac arrest.
Cerebral Perfusion: The process of delivering blood to the brain tissue.
Brain Ischemia: A condition where insufficient blood flow is reaching the brain.
Defibrillation: The act of delivering an electrical shock to the heart to reset its rhythm.
Neurological Outcome: A measure of brain function and health following a cardiac event.
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS): A series of advanced medical protocols for the urgent treatment of cardiac arrest and other medical emergencies.
Cardiogenic Shock: A state where the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body's demands.
Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA): A condition where the heart's electrical rhythm suggests a pulsing rhythm, but no effective heartbeat or pulse can be felt.
CPR Induced Consciousness: When a patient regains consciousness during CPR but still has no effective pulse.
Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC): The restoration of a pulse and effective blood flow to the body after cardiac arrest.
Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome: A complex set of pathological processes that occur after the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) following cardiac arrest.
Hypothermia Protocol: A medical treatment that involves cooling the body to improve neurological outcomes post-cardiac arrest.
Time to Defibrillation: The time between the onset of SCA and the delivery of the first defibrillating shock.
Bystander Intervention: Immediate assistance provided by a layperson at the scene of a medical emergency.
Resuscitation: The process of reviving someone from unconsciousness or apparent death.
Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
Automated External Defibrillator (AED): A portable device that checks heart rhythm and can send an electric shock to restore normal rhythm.
Electrode Pads: Adhesive pads that detect heart rhythm and deliver the defibrillating shock.
Pediatric Pads: Specialized electrode pads designed for use on children and infants eight years of age or younger, or who weigh less than 55 pounds.
Infant/Child Key: Specialized key used with Philips AEDs designed to lower the energy output for use on children.
Biphasic Shock: A type of defibrillating shock where the electric current flows in two directions.
Joules: A joule represents the amount of electrical energy an AED delivers to the heart during a shock.
Voice Prompts: Automated instructions provided by the AED to guide the user.
Self-Testing: Periodic automated checks that AEDs perform to ensure they are functional.
Event Data: Information recorded by the AED during its use, such as heart rhythms and delivered shocks.
Standby Mode: The state when the AED is powered on and ready for use but not yet delivering a shock.
Analysis Mode: When the AED checks the heart rhythm to determine if a shock is needed.
Shock Advisory: The AED's recommendation about whether or not to deliver a shock.
Battery Expiry: The date when the AED battery is expected to run out and should be replaced.
Post-Event Data Review: Analyzing the data from the AED after its use to understand the nature of the emergency and the device's performance.
Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Program: A system to make AEDs available in public places.
Rescue Ready: The status indicating that the AED has passed its self-tests and is ready for use.
Single-Use Items: Components of the AED, like electrode pads, that need replacement after one use.
CPR Feedback: Some AEDs offer real-time feedback on the quality of CPR being provided.
Synchronization: Some AEDs synchronize the delivery of the shock with the patient's heart rhythm to maximize efficacy and safety.
Charging Time: The time an AED takes to charge up before delivering a defibrillating shock.
Service Life: The expected functional lifespan of the AED device.
Device Recall: When a specific model or batch of AEDs is identified as having potential issues and is called back by the manufacturer for inspection or replacement.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): A life-saving technique used during cardiac arrest to maintain circulation and oxygenation.
Compression-Only CPR: A form of CPR focusing only on chest compressions without giving rescue breaths.
Rescue Breaths: Breaths provided during CPR to supply oxygen to the lungs of the patient.
Compression Depth: The recommended depth to which the chest should be compressed during CPR.
Compression Rate: The recommended speed or frequency of compressions during CPR.
Chest Recoil: Allowing the chest to return to its original position after each compression.
AHA Guidelines: Recommendations for CPR provided by the American Heart Association.
Airway Obstruction: A blockage that prevents air from reaching the lungs.
CPR Barrier Devices: Tools like face shields or pocket masks used to give rescue breaths while minimizing direct contact.
Advanced Airway: Medical devices such as endotracheal tubes or laryngeal masks used to maintain an open airway during prolonged resuscitation.
CPR Certification: A recognition that an individual has been trained and assessed in CPR and meets the required standards.
Hands-Only CPR: A version of CPR that focuses solely on chest compressions without rescue breaths.
Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (FBAO): When a foreign object blocks the airway, leading to choking.
High-Quality CPR: CPR that meets the recommended guidelines for rate, depth, and minimal interruptions.
CPR for Infants: Specialized guidelines for performing CPR on babies under 1 year of age.
2-Rescuer CPR: A technique where two rescuers work together, one performing compressions and the other giving rescue breaths.
Compression-to-Ventilation Ratio: The recommended number of compressions for each set of rescue breaths given during CPR.
AED Integration: The timely use of an AED in conjunction with CPR.
Cycle of CPR: A set sequence of actions, typically involving a specific number of compressions and breaths.
End-Tidal CO2 Monitoring: Measuring the amount of carbon dioxide in exhaled air to assess the effectiveness of CPR.
AED Program Management
Program Coordinator: An individual responsible for managing and maintaining an organization's AED program.
Site Assessment: Determining the best locations for AED placement based on potential risk factors and accessibility.
AED Policy and Procedures: Organizational guidelines outlining how AEDs should be used, maintained, and tracked.
Device Registration: Informing local EMS and regulatory bodies about the presence and location of AEDs.
Training Compliance: Ensuring that individuals are adequately trained to use AEDs.
Maintenance Checks: Regular inspections to ensure AEDs are operational and ready for use.
Battery and Pad Replacement: Keeping track of and replacing expired or used AED components.
AED Drills: Simulated emergency scenarios to practice and evaluate AED deployment and use.
Post-Event Reporting: Documenting and analyzing the details after an AED has been used in an emergency.
Data Download: Extracting information from an AED after its use to understand the event and device performance.
Community Outreach: Promoting awareness and understanding of AEDs in the community or organization.
Medical Oversight: Having a healthcare professional involved in the AED program to provide guidance and review.
Program Audit: A comprehensive review of the AED program to ensure compliance with guidelines and best practices.
Funding and Budgeting: Managing the financial aspects of acquiring and maintaining AEDs.
Program Expansion: Adding more AEDs or expanding the program to cover more areas or facilities.
Recall Management: Addressing manufacturer recalls by inspecting or replacing affected devices.
Liability and Risk: Understanding potential legal risks associated with the AED program and taking steps to mitigate them.
Stakeholder Communication: Keeping all relevant parties informed about the AED program and its developments.
Program Renewal: Regularly updating and renewing the AED program based on new guidelines, feedback, and experiences.
Feedback and Improvement: Collecting feedback about the AED program and implementing changes for continuous improvement.
AED/CPR Certification Training
Basic Life Support (BLS): A level of medical care used for victims of life-threatening illnesses or injuries until they can be given full medical care.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): A life-saving technique used during cardiac arrest to maintain circulation and oxygenation.
Automated External Defibrillator (AED): A device used to recognize life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias and deliver shocks to restore normal rhythm.
Hands-Only CPR: A version of CPR that excludes rescue breaths and emphasizes chest compressions alone.
Rescue Breaths: Breaths provided to the patient, either mouth-to-mouth or through a barrier device.
Compression Depth/Rate: Refers to how deep and how fast chest compressions should be during CPR.
Heimlich Maneuver: A first aid procedure used to treat upper airway obstructions by foreign objects.
Recovery Position: A position, typically on the side, to help keep the airway clear and open.
First Aid Kit: A collection of supplies and equipment used to give first aid.
Choking: A blockage of the airway preventing proper breathing and requiring immediate intervention.
ABCs of First Aid: An acronym for Airway, Breathing, and Circulation - the primary things to check in an emergency.
Barrier Devices: Tools like face shields or masks used during CPR to reduce direct contact.
Scene Safety: The initial step in any rescue scenario, ensuring that the area is safe for both the rescuer and the victim.
Chain of Survival: A series of steps that maximize the chance of survival after cardiac arrest.
Certification: A formal acknowledgment that an individual has been trained and assessed in AED/CPR/First Aid and meets the required standards.
Instructor-Led Training: Training led by a certified individual, often involving both theoretical lessons and hands-on practice.
Blended Learning: A mix of online coursework and in-person hands-on training.
Manikin: A model of the human body used in training for practice, especially in CPR.
Simulation: A mock scenario used in training to practice and test skills in a controlled environment.
Aftercare: Steps taken after an emergency situation has been addressed, such as comforting the victim, seeking additional medical attention, or providing emotional support.

Addressing Questions
Thank you for exploring our Glossary of Terms. We hope this comprehensive resource has enriched your understanding of the critical concepts surrounding Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Automated External Defibrillators, CPR, and related topics. As advancements continue and terminology evolves, we remain committed to keeping this glossary updated for your reference. Always remember that knowledge empowers, and a deeper understanding of these terms can play a vital role in emergency situations. We encourage you to bookmark this page and revisit it whenever you need clarification. Together, let's stay informed and save lives.