AED.US Scholarship Program
The AED.US Scholarship Program offers financial assistance to students passionate about spreading awareness of Sudden Cardiac Arrest and the importance of AEDs and CPR training. Applicants are required to engage in a unique project involving AEDs, including interviewing an AED user and creating a video about the experience. The scholarship aims to foster understanding and advocacy for these life-saving devices while supporting students' educational goals.
AED.US Strives to Increase AED Placement and Awareness
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is the number one killer in America, and an electric shock delivered from a defibrillator is the only way to resuscitate, or revive, the victim. Over 350,000 SCA deaths occur annually in the United States outside the hospital, with 366,807 striking families in 2015 alone.
AED.US' founders have placed tens of thousands of AEDs since entering the industry in 1999. Through AED Donation Programs, hundreds of AEDs have been placed in areas that need AEDs, but maybe struggle to fund the purchase. In one case, donations of ZOLL AED Plus units made by AED.us' founders to a Tennessee County produced multiple saves, including a student's mother, a PTA member, and a high school girls' basketball coach. These saves were only made possible by the actions of those present. Their awareness and training resulted in the quick administration of CPR and the AED retrieval, with a subsequent shock.
There are several options to obtain AED/CPR training, including The American Red Cross and The American Heart Association. AED.US can design and schedule custom classes to accommodate any size organization.

AED.US Strives to Increase AED Placement and Awareness
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is the number one killer in America, and an electric shock delivered from a defibrillator is the only way to resuscitate, or revive, the victim. Over 350,000 SCA deaths occur annually in the United States outside the hospital, with 366,807 striking families in 2015 alone.
AED.US' founders have placed tens of thousands of AEDs since entering the industry in 1999. Through AED Donation Programs, hundreds of AEDs have been placed in areas that need AEDs, but maybe struggle to fund the purchase. In one case, donations of ZOLL AED Plus units made by AED.us' founders to a Tennessee County produced multiple saves, including a student's mother, a PTA member, and a high school girls' basketball coach. These saves were only made possible by the actions of those present. Their awareness and training resulted in the quick administration of CPR and the AED retrieval, with a subsequent shock.
There are several options to obtain AED/CPR training, including The American Red Cross and The American Heart Association. AED.US can design and schedule custom classes to accommodate any size organization.
Scholarship Application Details
AED.us awards one (1) $1,500 scholarship each semester to a qualified student. To apply, complete the following steps:
Locate and take a picture of an AED in your community.
Interview someone who has used an AED (e.g., EMS, Fire Department, Law Enforcement)
Record a 1-2 minute video of them describing a time when an AED saved or could have saved a life.
Write a 300-500 word summary of the interview.
Submit the picture, video, and summary to our team at scholarship@coromed.us.
Application Deadlines
To be eligible for selection, students must apply by the appropriate deadline:
Fall Semester: July 1st
Spring Semester: December 1st
Who Can Apply?
Applicants must be high school seniors or enrolled in an accredited college or university to be eligible to receive this scholarship.
Additional Information
Awards will be paid directly to the winner's college or university on their behalf. Students cannot renew their scholarships but may submit an additional application each semester. Applicants also understand that AED.us can use the content submitted to promote awareness of Sudden Cardiac Arrest and the benefit of AED/CPR training.
Previous Scholarship Winners

Left to Right: Angelica Randazzo, Sydney Haines, Greg Stovring and Jared Mossoney.
Angelica Randazzo, 2019 Winner
Angelica Randazzo, a second-year student at Cambrillo College, has been named the recipient of the AED.US Scholarship. We asked students to interview an AED user and have them retell a save story or an incident where an AED could have assisted a victim in need. Randazzo chose to interview her mother, Lisa, who is a nurse. While on a family vacation in Mexico, someone went into cardiac arrest while swimming in the resort pool. Lisa administered CPR while a hotel staff member ran to bring an AED to the scene. Randazzo states, “When I saw this scholarship opportunity, I felt inspired because of the faint memory I have while visiting family out of state when someone went into cardiac arrest. I was very young and don’t remember much, so being able to hear my mother tell the story again was inspiring and reminded me of how important AEDs are for the public.” While at Cambrillo College, Randazzo has completed the Accelerated Medical Assistant Program and is currently in the Nursing Program.
Sydney Haines, 2020 Semester 1 Winner
Sydney Haines, a high school senior in Carmel, Indiana, has been named the recipient of the AED.US Scholarship.
Sydney interviewed a family friend who has been a firefighter/EMT for the Indianapolis Fire Department for 18 years, Alan Scheu. Alan describes a crisis that he and his team responded to where two friends were casually drinking a beer in their garage after their 40 year high school reunion when one goes into Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Luckily his friend knew CPR and started chest compressions right away after calling 911. After Alan and his team arrived, they quickly began using the AED. It took Alan and his team 10-15 shocks on the man’s front side and 2-3 shocks using double sequential defibrillation on the man’s front and back over a span of 45 minutes to get his heart rhythm back to normal. This being one of the longest saves Alan has ever seen or done! Thankfully, the man was revived and talking before he reached the hospital.
Sydney is following her passion and pursuing a career in nursing at Perdue University. "Considering my mom is a nurse and my dad is a medical device salesman, I was immediately drawn to this scholarship opportunity as cardiac health is very important to my family. In addition to this, I personally know many people that have suffered from cardiac arrest. For these reasons, I full-heartedly felt called to contribute to the fight to get more AEDs into areas all across the US."
Greg Stovring, 2020 Semester 2 Winner
Greg Stovring, a freshman at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, has been named the recipient of the AED.US Scholarship
Check out Greg's video and essay submission!

Adam Chismar, 2021 Semester 1 Winner
Adam Chismar, a high school senior from Canton, Michigan, has been named the recipient of the AED.US Scholarship. Adam is following his passion and pursuing a career in Business Entrepreneurship at Arizona State University.
We asked students to interview an AED user and have them retell a save story or an incident where an AED could have assisted a victim in need. Adam interviewed his father, Craig Chismar, a retired police officer with 32 years of experience in law enforcement. "On patrol in the city of Novi, Michigan, on June 16, 2002, my father had just been issued a brand-new AED for his patrol car two weeks prior. Sitting at an intersection of a red light, my father witnessed a speeding pickup truck leave the roadway, drive through a red light, and barrel into a pole before finally crashing into a brick wall in the parking lot of a dentist's office. He sprang into action and made a quick radio call for backup as he saw the truck was now on fire. My father retrieved the newly equipped AED from his vehicle and quickly proceeded to provide shock treatments." Luckily, the man survived and would visit Craig every year on the anniversary of the accident to show his appreciation and gratitude for saving his life. To learn more about this touching story, check out Adam's essay and video submission.

Micah Weidner, 2022 Semester 1 Winner
Micah Weidner, a high school senior from Peoria, Illinois, has been named the recipient of the AED.US Scholarship for 2022 Semester 1. Micah is following his passion and studying Psychology at Illinois Central College.
Micah experienced a sudden cardiac arrest when he was fifteen. When his thirteen-year-old brother found him, he jumped into action, called 911, and started CPR. Eighteen responders arrived at the scene and saved his life with the help of an AED. Micah chose to interview the first responder that was responsible for operating the AED, Dan Cunningham.
"Mr. Cunningham says he vividly remembers the winter day when he got the call at the firehouse about a pediatric cardiac arrest. He estimates it took about five minutes for his team to arrive at my house, where they found me unconscious on my bedroom floor with my dad and brother doing CPR. One firefighter started an airway, another took over CPR, and another hooked up the LIFEPAK AED and discovered I was in a shockable rhythm. He says that my pulse finally returned after several rounds of CPR and four to five shocks. He shared that he and his team talk about my call often and are grateful that everything turned out well. I'm so thankful not only for the firefighters and my family but also for the miraculous technology of AEDs for giving me a second chance at life." To learn more
about this touching story, check out Micah's AED Essay and video submission.

"The AED.US Scholarship program is an important part of fulfilling our commitment to spreading AED and Sudden Cardiac Arrest awareness," states Tommy Wilkins, President of Coro Medical. "We created this program to provide opportunities for students to reach their full potential and make a difference in the healthcare industry."
Examples of AED and Manual Defibrillator Models Sold
Cardiac Science Powerheart G3 Pro
Physio-Control LIFEPAK CR Plus
Physio-Control LIFEPAK Express
Physio-Control LIFEPAK 1000 - ECG Display
Physio-Control LIFEPAK 1000 - Graphical Display
Defibtech Lifeline/Lifeline Auto
In addition to selling all brands of AEDs, AED.us stocks a full line of factory accessories, including AED Pads, AED batteries, AED cabinets, and more.