In Oregon, the deployment and use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are governed by specific statutes designed to enhance public health and safety. Key requirements include:


Placement Requirements:

Public Assembly Areas: Owners of places of public assembly are required to have at least one AED on the premises. A “place of public assembly” is defined as a single building with 50,000 square feet or more where the public gathers for various purposes, including deliberation, shopping, entertainment, amusement, or transportation, and where at least 50 individuals gather on a normal business day.

Schools: Each school campus in a school district, as well as private and public charter school campuses, must have at least one AED on the premises.



While Oregon does not impose specific administrative or operational requirements for AED programs, it mandates that students in grades 7 through 12 receive instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of AEDs as part of the health or physical education curriculum.


Good Samaritan Protection:

Oregon law provides immunity from civil liability for individuals and entities who, in good faith, use, attempt to use, or are involved in the use of an AED in a public setting. This protection extends to:

  • Rescuers
  • Purchasers
  • Property owners
  • Physicians
  • Trainers


This immunity does not cover acts of gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.


Maintenance Program:

Although not explicitly mandated, it is recommended that AEDs be maintained and tested according to the manufacturer’s operational guidelines to ensure readiness during emergencies. Proper maintenance includes regular checks and timely replacement of components like batteries and electrode pads.


These regulations aim to encourage the availability and proper use of AEDs, thereby enhancing emergency response efforts across the state.

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