In California, the deployment and use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are governed by comprehensive legislation aimed at enhancing public safety and encouraging the availability of these life-saving devices. Key requirements include:

Placement Requirements:

Health Studios: Facilities offering physical exercise on a membership basis are required to acquire, maintain, and train personnel in the use of AEDs.

Public Swimming Pools: Certain public swimming pools are mandated to provide lifeguard services and have an AED available during pool operations.

Commuter Rail Systems: Public entities operating commuter rail systems must ensure that each train is equipped with an AED as part of its safety equipment.

New or Renovated Buildings: Specified buildings constructed or renovated on or after January 1, 2017, are required to have an AED installed.


Maintenance and Testing:

  • AEDs must be maintained and tested according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  • The devices should be tested at least biannually and after each use.
  • Inspections of all AEDs on the premises are required at least every 90 days to check for potential issues related to operability, such as dead batteries or blinking lights.
  • Records of maintenance and testing must be maintained.


Training and Notification:

  • Building owners must annually notify tenants about the location of AED units and provide information on how to voluntarily take CPR and AED training.
  • At least once a year, a demonstration on how to use an AED properly in an emergency must be offered to at least one person associated with the building.
  • Instructions on how to use the AED, in no less than 14-point type, must be posted next to the device.


Good Samaritan Protection:

  • California law provides immunity from civil liability for individuals and entities who, in good faith and not for compensation, render emergency care using an AED.
  • This protection extends to rescuers, purchasers, property owners, physicians, and trainers, provided that the AED is properly maintained and tested, and that the user has complied with the applicable regulations.


These regulations are designed to promote the widespread availability and proper use of AEDs, thereby enhancing emergency response efforts and improving survival rates for sudden cardiac arrest incidents across California.

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