Although it was originally released in 1998, this defibrillator is still a great, cost-effective option for emergency cardiac care. It’s ideal for pre-hospital transport, can act as a manual or semi-automatic AED (SAED), and can be powered by either a battery or wall outlet.
Replacing its predecessor in 2009, the Physio-Control LIFEPAK 15 improves upon the technology and durability found in the LIFEPAK 12. With an IP 44 rating, additional monitoring capabilities, CPR assistance, and faster data transmission, there is no shortage of features to help emergency personnel provide high-quality care.
Perfect to use as a crash cart device in hospitals and clinics, the LIFEPAK 20e offers both therapeutic and monitoring capabilities. Using ADAPTIV™ biphasic technology, this LIFEPAK defibrillator can be utilized in either an AED or manual mode, providing flexibility depending on the patient’s needs.