Meet the Coro Canine Crew: Chase

Chase the dog on a couch

At AED.US, we value a positive company culture and work environment. That's why our office is dog friendly! We would like to introduce you to the Coro Canine Crew and tell you what makes them so special.

What is your pet's name? Chase

How did you come up with the name, does it have any specific significance? Came with her. We rescued her 5 years ago.

Does your pet have a nickname and what is it? Chasedog

How old is she? 11-ish

What breed? Golden

What is their energy level? Pretty high considering her age.

What is her favorite food? Very special, expensive food. Otherwise she gets very sick.

What is her favorite game or toy? Stuffed lamb.

Other likes and dislikes. Loves getting on furniture, but is seldom allowed. Riding in the truck. Going anywhere I go.

Funny things they do and/or weird quirks? Gets the paper for my dad. Runs in circles and sneezes until she falls down whenever I get home.

Does she know any tricks? Sit, shake, lay down.

Independent or affectionate? Affectionate. She acts as my shadow.

What is your favorite thing to do together? Walks in the woods.

What is your favorite memory involving your pet? She got skunked at my inlaws house and Julie had to drive her all the way home (45 minutes) with the windows down.

Written by Matt Spencer

Last updated March 11, 2021.