In 2015, the American Heart Association issued its new guidelines, which included updates for CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and ECC (Emergency Cardiovascular Care) training courses. Every few years, they make changes to support new techniques and equipment that increase victims’ chances of survival during sudden cardiac arrest or an emergency response system. The goal at AHA is to continually analyze, reassess, and improve the quality of care during resuscitation. The latest changes reflect medical knowledge, technology, and clinical practice advancements. Here's an overview of the critical updates to the AHA guidelines for 2019.High-Quality CPR & CPR Coaching
As of January 31, 2019, the American Heart Association requires instruments and training devices that provide students and instructors with voice-directed, specific, and real-time coaching feedback. The AHA has given their certified instructors at least 18 months of lead time for budgetary issues and limitations. They believed this should provide most of them enough time to update their equipment to remain compliant.
Key Updates:
Compression Rate and Depth:
- The AHA recommends a compression rate of 100-120 compressions per minute and a depth of at least 2 inches (5 cm) for adults but not more than 2.4 inches (6 cm).
- For infants and children, the compression depth should be at least one-third the anterior-posterior diameter of the chest, approximately 1.5 inches (4 cm) for infants and 2 inches (5 cm) for children.
High-Quality CPR:
- High-quality CPR remains critical in improving cardiac arrest victims' survival rates. The AHA emphasizes the importance of minimizing interruptions to chest compressions, providing effective ventilations, and allowing complete chest recoil between compressions.
Team Dynamics and Communication:
- The AHA now recommends a team-based approach to CPR, including clear communication, constructive feedback, and active collaboration among team members. The team leader should ensure all members understand their roles and perform tasks effectively.
Use of AEDs:
- The AHA continues to endorse the early use of AEDs for all age groups, emphasizing rapid deployment and service within the first few minutes of cardiac arrest. The updated guidelines recommend using AEDs with audio and visual prompts to guide rescuers through the defibrillation process.
Advanced Airway Management:
- The updated guidelines recommend that healthcare providers consider using supraglottic airway devices, like laryngeal mask airways, as an alternative to endotracheal intubation when managing the airway during CPR. This change is due to the potential for shorter interruptions in chest compressions with supraglottic airway devices.
Epinephrine and Vasopressin:
- The AHA now recommends the administration of epinephrine as soon as possible for non-shockable rhythms and within the first 5 minutes for those that are shockable. Vasopressin is no longer recommended for cardiac arrest management, as studies have shown it provides no additional benefit compared to epinephrine alone.
The 2019 AHA guidelines for CPR and AED use emphasize the importance of high-quality CPR, effective team dynamics, and timely interventions in improving cardiac arrest survival rates. These updates help to ensure that the most up-to-date, evidence-based practices are used by healthcare providers and lay rescuers alike. Please visit for a complete listing of our new and refurbished models of AEDs featuring CPR Feedback. If you are a CPR Instructor, please visit us for all your AED trainers and training accessories. You can read about the American Heart Association Guidelines here.Sources
- AHA. “American Heart Association.” 13 April 2018.