Are you AHA compliant?

The American Heart Association's new requirements for CPR training courses using CPR feedback devices is just days away! The American Heart Association will now require the use of an instrumented directive feedback device in all courses that teach adult CPR skills, effective January 31, 2019. The Association’s evidence-based 2015 Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC highlights the emerging benefits of feedback devices. Studies reveal that this technology, which can be integrated into or serve as an accessory to a manikin, helps students master these critical CPR skills and reduces the time between training and demonstration of competence in a training environment. When CPR is taught and performed according to the American Heart Association’s CPR and ECC Guidelines, chest compressions are delivered at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute and a depth of at least two inches. To comply with the new course requirement, feedback devices must, at a minimum, measure and provide real-time audio and/or visual feedback on compression rate and depth, allowing students to self-correct or confirm their skills in real time. Each year, more than 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outside the hospital and over 200,000 occur in a hospital setting. Only 46 percent of people who suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest receive bystander CPR before professional help arrives. CPR, if performed immediately and correctly, can double or triple a victim’s chance of survival. AED.US offers several products that support the new guidelines, like the Brayden LED CPR Manikin. This manikin is equipped with 3 interrelated sets of light that give real-time CPR feedback. The Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 AED offers Rescue Coach intuitive voice prompts to guide the rescuer through the rescue process and provides instructions aligned with the latest AHA Guidelines. Looking for other options? Contact us today to find the right device for you.
Written by Blaire Czarniecki Customer Service Director Fact checked by Phillip Woods, BA, NREMT-P, FP-C Blaire attended the University of Tennessee where she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology- Child and Family Studies. She has been in the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) industry for over eight years and is the Director of Customer Service for Coro Medical. Blaire is also an American Red Cross-certified CPR/AED/First Aid Instructor, highly trained by each manufacturer on their specific AEDs, and knowledgeable regarding ALL State AED regulations and legislation. “I know that every day I come to work, I am playing a part in saving someone’s life. I am passionate about these devices and am always looking for new and innovative ways to spread awareness and knowledge about Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). I look forward to the day when everywhere I go, I will see an AED—when SCA will no longer take any lives.” Last updated January 30, 2019