AED Rental Program
At AED.us, we are committed to helping you place AED devices and implement AED programs in your community, even on a tight budget. With plans starting at only $99 per month $49 per month for a limited time (plus a one-time fee of $100 covering shipping both ways on rentals less than 48 months), our AED rental program enables you to have a reliable, life-saving AED for your home, office, school, and other public spaces. Order directly from our site below, call 888-652-1882, or fill out the rental request form and our friendly knowledgable Customer Experience Team will be happy to help you with your request.

$99 per month $49* per month
- Carrying Case, Adult CPR-D Padz & New OEM Battery
- AED Padz & Battery Replaced for Free
- AED Ships Ready for Rescue- Batteries & Padz Installed
- AED Program Management
- Remain in Compliance with State Regulations
- Automated Notifications for Tracking and Expiration Reminders
- Medical Direction and Physician Review of Events
- Access to AED Law Center
- Lifetime Warranty
What are the benefits of renting an AED?
Rent an AED Plus
HeartSine samaritan PAD 350P:
$99 per month $49* per month
- Carrying Case, Adult Pad-Pak (Battery & Electrodes)
- Adult Pad-Pak Replaced for Free
- AED Ships Ready for Rescue- Pad-Pak Installed
- AED Program Management
- Remain in Compliance with State Regulations
- Automated Notifications for Tracking and Expiration Reminders
- Medical Direction and Physician Review of Events
- Access to AED Law Center
- Lifetime Warranty
What are the benefits of renting an AED?
*Minimum 4-Year Rental Term. 1 Year and Month-to-month rental options also available. Click one of the buttons above to review rental options.
Quick Links: AED Program Management | AED/CPR Training
User Manual: ZOLL AED Plus | Heartsine samaritan PAD 350P
Request a Rental Quote
To Request Other AED Models, Call 888-652-1882
AED.US is the Proud AED Provider of the Ryder Cup, Challenged Athletes Foundation, Williamson Medical Center, and more!
Benefits of Renting an AED from AED.us
- Convenient Short and Long-term Options for Your AED Needs
- Simple, Low Monthly Payments To Fit Your Budget
- AED Program Management: We Monitor and Manage Your AED Eliminating Compliance Concerns or Keeping Up with Pad/Battery Expiration Dates
- Never Pay for Repairs – Your Rental AED Is ALWAYS Under Warranty
- All Pads and Batteries for Your Rental AED Replaced at No Charge
- 100% Deductible Expense
- Post-Event Loaner (with Overnight Shipping) and Event Download Included
- Peace of Mind
- Less Expensive than Owning for Short-Term Use
- Financial Flexibility: IRS does not consider rentals a financial liability, improve cash forecasting and borrowing power
- Change out Equipment as Needed
- Low Initial Investment
- Upgrade Any Time
- Trained Expert Support: Access to Trained Staff for all Support Needs
- Other AED Models Available Upon Request