Once the online form is submitted, a confirmation will be emailed within 24 hrs with detailed shipping instructions.
+Units newer than 2013
*Cardiac Science G3 model number has to end in “-401” or higher to qualify for rebate.
All models ending in a number lower than“-401” are considered “End Of Life”*** ***End of Life AEDs such as: Cardiac Science Powerheart (model 92XXX), Cardiac Science FirstSave (Model 91XXX), Philips ForeRunner or FR-2, Physio-Control lifepak 500, welch allyn aed 10 or 20, HeartSine Samaritan 300 may be returned for free disposal
NOTE: To qualify, AED must be currently supported, pass a self-test, should not be on any recall lists and should not be physically damaged.
Pricing and details are subject to change. Please include completed coupon with your trade-in AED and ship to the address above to receive your rebate check. A rebate coupon must be filled out for each AED. Rebates with 20 units or more must be pre-approved by the Cintas AED GAM in your territory.This rebate coupon is offered only to the End User of the AED, not intended for wholesale and/or Dealers. For questions, please contact distributor support at or 800-695-1209.
In consideration for Cintas Corporation No. 2, including all of its successor, assigns, subsidiaries, representatives, and affiliates (collectively “Cintas”), having provided this AED Trade-In Program Coupon (“Coupon”) to the entity using this Coupon (“Company”), Company agrees and acknowledges that Cintas and Coro Medical, LLC, including all of its successors, assigns, subsidiaries, representatives, and affiliates (“Coro”) are separate unaffiliated companies. In the event Company sells Company’s AED(s) to Coro (or has any other business relationship with Coro) (collectively the “Transaction”), Company agrees that such Transaction is strictly between Company and Coro and Company hereby releases and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold Cintas harmless from all liabilities and damages that are related to or in any way arise from such Transaction.